Project & communication assistant European Solidarity Corps

Project & communication assistant European Solidarity Corps

Paid internship


  • For persons between 18 and 30 years old, living in EU or ESC partner countries
  • From March until December 2023
  • Location: Antwerpen, Belgium
  • Being part of the biggest youth movement of Belgium: Chiro Flanders
  • Being part of an international network of youth movements, called FIMCAP
  • Working on international youth projects
  • A fixed amount per month for food and accommodation
  • Language course
  • Deadline to apply: November, 25th

Chiro Flanders is looking for 2 project and communication assistants, in the framework of the European Solidarity Corps program. Both assistants will be working with us at the same time. The start is foreseen on the 1st of March, 2023, for an expected period of 10 months. 
The deadline to apply for this position is 25/11/22. The application form can be found at the bottom of this page. Please read all criteria carefully before applying. In case there are questions concerning this opportunity, please contact

European Solidarity Corps

The European Solidarity Corps (ESC) is an initiative of the European Union that creates opportunities for young people to work and live abroad. You will not receive a wage, but you receive a fixed amount to cover the costs of accommodation and food and also a small allowance for personal expenses. You can read more about it on their website

Work location

Chiro Flanders has been approved by the European Union to host volunteers under the European Solidarity Corps program. 
Chiro Flanders is the biggest youth movement in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking region of Belgium. We have currently more than 115.000 members, in 882 local Chiro groups. In almost every municipality, Chiro is active in one or even several parishes. Every week children and young people come together in their local group. They play games and do activities in age groups, starting from the age of 6. Local groups are autonomous and are guided by young people, who form the leadership team. The average age of the leaders is between 17 and 25. Our Chiro roots are Christian based, but every local group has its own traditions. As Chiro, we welcome all children and youngsters, regardless of their social or cultural background.

As the national office of Chiro Flanders, we offer support, training and a framework for our local groups and local leaders. Our head office is located in Antwerp, where you will live and work. You will be part of an Educational team of 25 people and have a chance to join work and leisure activities.

Chiro Flanders is also a founding member and host of the secretariat of FIMCAP - an international network of youth movements. Today 31 youth organisations from 4 different continents are members of FIMCAP. The secretariat of FIMCAP is located in the same building as Chiro Flanders and there is close cooperation between the 2 organisations, so volunteers would be involved in the projects of both. 

Work description 

As Chiro Flanders we see a great added value in international cooperation. To realise this, we have an international committee, a group of volunteers who set up international activities and exchanges, mostly in cooperation with the international umbrella FIMCAP member organisations. 
Tasks expected from both volunteers:

General Assembly: administrative follow-up (FIMCAP)
The General Assembly (GA) of FIMCAP takes place every 3 years and it is the highest decision-making body of FIMCAP. Representatives of the 31 member organisations of FIMCAP meet at the GA to exchange ideas, share experiences and determine the direction of FIMCAP together. The GA will take place in August 2023. We need the help of volunteers to administer the inscriptions and arrange all travel practicalities for the participants of the GA (visas, tickets, optimal travel route, and itinerary). 
Besides these administrative tasks, there is also room for the volunteer to contribute to the program of the GA or to take up a facilitator role, depending on the wishes and experience of the volunteer.

Communication: newsletters, website, social media (FIMCAP)
One of the main tasks of the ESC volunteers will be to take care of the communication and PR (social media, newsletter, website). You will be in charge of increasing the visibility of our work and projects, together with other FIMCAP volunteers.  

Taking part in FIMCAP meetings 
These meetings can be online or physical. Seeing the fact that FIMCAP is a voluntary-based organisation, meetings take place during the evening or weekends. The ESC volunteers will be asked to help in the preparation and follow-up of these meetings.

Joining the international committee of Chiro
The ESC-volunteers will be part of the international committee of Chiro and support the ongoing projects. Seeing the fact that Chiro is a voluntary based organisation, meetings take place during the evening or weekends.

We also encourage and expect volunteers to discover what is FIMCAP from the participants point of view during the Eurocourse - a training course for leaders of FIMCAP European member organisations, held in Denmark in April 2023.


Optional tasks depending on the experience and field of interest of the volunteer

Policy pool of FIMCAP

The policy pool is a working group of volunteers from different FIMCAP member organisations, focusing on youth policy on European and international level. They represent FIMCAP in various networks (e.g. European Youth Forum, EU Youth Dialogue, COMECE Youth Platform, Generation Climate Europe). The climate crisis is one of the priorities on which the policy pool is focused. 

FIMCAP pool of trainers
The pool of trainers is another FIMCAP working group of volunteers. Their focus is to collect good practices and training techniques, and to use this knowledge to guarantee a high standard of FIMCAP activities. The pool of trainers support the member organisations when organising international projects and organise a training for trainers to involve new trainers in the team.


The start of the ESC voluntary stay is foreseen on the first of March 2023. The end is foreseen for December 2023. There is some flexibility with regard to the dates, so if there are questions concerning this period please contact us. 

Practical arrangements

Working time

You will work full-time, which means 38 hours per week (including time for the language course). There will be regular (online) meetings in the evenings or during the weekend. Flexibility is required. You are entitled for 2 vacation days a month (20 days for the volunteer stay in total).

Accommodation & food

You are responsible for finding your own accommodation and taking care of the food. Every month you will receive money from the ESC program, which can be spent according to your preferences. Should the costs of the accommodation and other spendings be higher than the given funds, you will have to contribute yourself. There will be two ESC volunteers working at Chiro Flanders for the same period. You can decide to share accommodation or to live separately, according to your own wishes.

Budget for accommodation and food: 25 € per day. 


The Chiro office is located in the centre of Antwerp, one of the main cities in Belgium. There are many students in Antwerp, so there are a variety of student flats and co-housing projects available. You should be ready to do the research yourself. 

Travel costs 

Your costs to travel to and from Belgium are covered by the ESC program. The maximum amount depends on the distance. The amount covers both arriving and departing.
100 – 499 km: 180 €
500 – 1999 km: 275 €

Pocket money

You will receive 4 € per day for personal expenses.


The main language in Chiro Flanders is Dutch. The ESC program offers online language training in Dutch. It is possible to follow extra Dutch lessons, but this will be at your own expense.


You will be insured for the full period of your stay via the ESC program.


There will be a team of local volunteers to assist you with practical issues, organise activities to get to know the city and Belgium, and offer personal support. 

Profile of candidates

  • You are between 18 and 30 years old.
  • You must be legally resident in one of the EU Member States or one of the partner countries listed by the European Solidarity Corps.  
  • The European Solidarity Corps focuses on cross-border volunteering. As a consequence, it is unfortunately not possible for Belgians to apply for this opportunity. 
  • You need a sending organisation that has an official quality label (see below).
  • Good knowledge of English. Ability to work, write and speak in English.
  • Willingness to learn Dutch. 
  • Having a background in a youth movement or in youth work will be an added value. Playing is an important part of our work and in our projects.
  • You have to be able to work independently, making your own planning and setting your own goals, which will be discussed with the staff member in regular meetings.
  • You can take an initiative (ex. searching for accommodation)
  • We expect openness and respect for other views. 

Sending organisation

In order to participate in the European Solidarity Corps you need a supporting organisation in your home country. The supporting organisation plays an important role in providing adequate preparation before departure. You can only start the voluntary stay if the supporting organisation has been given a quality label. Organisations have to apply for a quality label from the national agency of their country. It can take up to 8 weeks to receive this quality label.

What will you get out of this experience?


  • You will get to know how Chiro Flanders works. 
  • You will get to know other youth organisations. There will be the possibility to take part in EuroCourse - a training course for European youth leaders.
  • You will be part of the General Assembly, a big international event which brings together youth leaders from 4 continents and 28 countries.
  • New friends from all over the world.
  • Skills in project management: you will be part of every stage of the GA, from the preparation until the follow-up. 
  • Skills in task management: you will be coached in keeping a structured overview of different tasks and deadlines. 
  • Administrative skills: you will be coached in keeping a structured overview of inscriptions and practical preparations.
  • Financial skills: you will get insights into budget management and fundraising.
  • Communication skills: you will communicate with participants and partners in a different language. 
  • Improvement of English.
  • Knowledge of Dutch.
  • Creative skills: you get the chance to develop your own workshops or sessions.
  • Youth advocacy skills: you get the chance to join the policy pool and focus on European youth policy.
  • Knowledge of how the international network of FIMCAP works.
  • A view on other forms of youth work via interaction with the project partners.
  • Skills to work in a team with different backgrounds.
  • Skills to recognize intercultural differences and how to deal with them.
  • Growing self-confidence due to regular coaching and self-reflection.
  • An official certificate of the work you have done.

How to apply?

To apply please fill in the form until November 25th. NB only people who have filled in the form will be considered as candidates, applications sent only via European Youth Portal won’t be taken into account. 

FIMCAP op General Assembly